My Politics, Part 2

I reject the notion that life is a zero-sum game…

And at the risk of being naïve, I hold an optimistic view of human potential.

And so, my politics is a celebration of freedom…

a freedom that includes not just rights, but responsibilities…

a freedom that promotes peace and justice for all, not just for some…

a freedom beyond the stifling grip of religious zeal and party loyalty…

a freedom that is informed by the discipline of science and energized by compassion and mutual regard.

In my short time here, given my unique endowment of blessings and burdens, I hope to use my freedom to contribute to our individual and collective flourishing as best I can… and will try to have some serious fun along the way.

5 thoughts on “My Politics, Part 2

    1. It’s heartening to know that reasonable and decent people like you are out there, Jill. Here’s hoping that our ranks are growing.

  1. Your grasp of the shortness of our time here and our responsibilities hits home, Frank. Thank you.

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